Billy was amazing. As musical and creative as a soul gets. When Billy died in late 2016, the world was never the same.
In 2004 we managed to record a noisey live hiphop album called Simple Machine. Soon after, Low in the Sky named its second album, We Are All Counting On You, William, after Billy. William Emerson Dixon from Chagrin Falls, Ohio and Montana, Akron, Los Angeles and Oakland. He loved interacting with all manner of folk with a kid-like innocence and charm. Deep down just about everyone loved Billy even if some of them were occasionally, on the surface, frustrated by him. Nothing will ever be the same without Billy.
We will forever ache that he wasn't able to share his immense talents with the world more but here are a couple little things that we've managed to pull from old phones and hard drives. All files below are open source as we believe Billy would have appreciated that. We are choosing the creative commons share-alike license. That means if you use these files to make something, you should make your results open-source share-alike as well so that pieces of Billy can continue to radiate outward into space and time. If you use anything, credit Billy and scream from the rooftops about the beautiful soul we lost way too soon.
And here are a couple extra links to some Billy tracks from his old soundclouds:
billedixon & willedecibels.
We are hoping to make this an evolving and expanding tribute to Billy and will continue to organize and add material as we come across it. If you have any files.. any photos or videos, music or recordings from Billy that you would like to add to this archive, please drop us a line.
Jethro JetsonOne of Billy's many projects. You've never heard anything quite like it. We'd like to properly credit anyone else responsible for playing/mixing etc. Please get at us.
Mustangs Paints And ThoroughbredsDemo mix of Billy performing vocals on a Corey Farrow beat.
Billy TwangBilly playing a series of resonator-like riffs we recorded for Duck Dynasty in Los Angeles. lol
Billy ChordsBilly playing an interesting harmonic progression on organ and guitar. Zip download contains individual stems and a MIDI file of the keyboard part.
Billy 2011-10-21 MixBilly experimenting with synths and reel to reel recorders mixed October 2011 and sent to Mason Dixon.
Jetboat BeatsA group of tracks/beats Billy was calling Jetboat.
Unorganized BeatsA very unorganized selection of beats that Billy made over the years.
Unorganized Photos A very unorganized selection of photos of and from Billy.